Eagle Point Resort Webcams

Skyline Glacier Glade

Eagle Point Resort: A History of Utah’s Secluded Ski Gem

Eagle Point Resort Webcams. Eagle Point Resort boasts a rich history nestled within the scenic Tushar Mountains of southern Utah. Originally known as Mount Holly in 1972, the resort aimed to provide a haven for skiers seeking pristine slopes.

From Mount Holly to Elk Meadows

Despite its initial promise, Mount Holly struggled to gain traction. In 2002, the resort underwent a significant transformation and reopened as Elk Meadows. This iteration focused on creating a more accessible and welcoming atmosphere for skiers and snowboarders.

Eagle Point Takes Flight

The year 2002 marked another turning point for the resort. Recognizing the potential for a unique ski destination, new ownership took the helm and christened the area Eagle Point Resort. This shift signaled a renewed focus on providing a high-quality skiing experience while retaining the charm of a secluded getaway.

A Legacy of Uncrowded Slopes and Family Fun

Over the past two decades, Eagle Point Resort has carved its niche in Utah’s vibrant ski scene. By prioritizing manageable crowds and reasonable prices, the resort has become a favorite among families and skiers seeking a more relaxed atmosphere.

Today, Eagle Point Resort continues to thrive as an independent resort. With its commitment to diverse terrain, exceptional snow, and a family-friendly environment, Eagle Point promises an unforgettable experience for skiers and snowboarders of all levels.

For more information, visit the official Eagle Point Resort website.

Eagle Point Resort Webcams

See more Utah Ski Resorts here.